Homeowner - NJ
A developer and their acoustical consultant provided testimony before a Zoning Board of Adjustment that the theater they were proposing, which had an enhanced immersive audio system, would have no noise impacts on adjacent residences. One homeowner, whose property line is 175 feet from the rear of the theater and his house 100 feet beyond that, questioned the developer pointedly in the hearing on the issue. Representations were made, approvals granted, the theater built, and sound from the theater sounded like thunder inside the homeowner's bedroom late into the night. Extensive sound studies were conducted by TNC, testimony and a report were delivered, ultimately assisting in a settlement for the homeowner of $125,000.
George Gaye Realty
On Chestnut Street, an apartment building had a restaurant on the first floor which morphed into a loud and percussive after-hours bar, disturbing the residents and violating the terms of the restaurant's lease. TNC was engaged by the building owner and we conducted regulatory compliance measurements pursuant to Philadelphia's Chapter 10-400 Noise and Excessive Vibration. The sound energy in a tenant's apartment was so intense it moved a paper clip across his desk, well after midnight. Careful attention was paid to gathering the evidence necessary to prove the source of noise in the complex urban acoustical environment. Testimony was delivered in Landlord-Tenant Court and the lease was successfully terminated.