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Control Strategies for Portable Ventilation Blowers

Client: National Shipbuilders Research Program (NSRP)

Project location: Newport News Shipbuilding, VA and Electric Boat, CT


  • Develop Noise Control Strategies to minimize worker exposure to noise and vibration from Portable Ventilation Blowers (PVB) 

  • Many PVB operated during construction of aircraft carriers and submarines to remove air contaminants from work areas

TNC and our project partner received $150,000 in funding from NSRP to evaluate strategies for the control of noise from portable ventilation blowers (PVB) which are used extensively in the building and renovation of aircraft carriers, submarines and other ships. Up to one hundred PVB may be operating on a ship; exposing workers to noise and vibration. Sound emission measurements were conducted of two-sized PVB units at two shipyards. Engineering- and path-based control strategies for noise and vibration were identified and prototypes were evaluated in-situ. The control strategies were demonstrated in field and the results showed significant reduction to noise exposure for those working within close proximity to these units. The final report was presented to the NSRP at a meeting in Newport News, VA.  

Occupational Hearing Conservation Program

Client:  Middlesex Water Company (MWC)

Project location: Iselin, New Jersey

TNC was engaged to conduct an occupational noise exposure assessment of MWC's employees and develop a Hearing Conservation Program based upon the results of that analysis.


Area monitoring was conducted covering all operations, maintenance, and laboratory areas and at representative areas which house administrative services. Personal monitoring was performed on a representative number of personnel who work in or near areas within the MWC facilities which were identified to be noise hazard areas, based on the area monitoring data.  In addition, personnel who service the greater water distribution system and utilize equipment such as jackhammers, water tapping drills, and excavating equipment, were included in the personal monitoring survey.

A comprehensive and customized Hearing Conservation Program was developed, including the preparation of a Hearing Conservation Program Manual for MWC.



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Hearing Conservation Study at US State Department firing range. Customized at-ear measurement apparatus.

© 2021 by The Noise Consultancy, LLC.

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